Rabu, 08 Februari 2017

The Best Algae Eating Fish Freshwater in Fish Tank: Scarlet Pleco

The Best Algae Eating Fish Freshwater in Fish Tank: Scarlet Pleco – Pseudacanthicus sp. (L025); common name "Scarlet pleco" is one of those species that you just fall in love with. It's also a heavy eater when you need to reveal it to your friends and a fish that won't show up.

Photo copyright from pethelpful.com 

The Best Algae Eating Fish Freshwater in Fish Tank: Scarlet Pleco

Literally "False Acanthicus" referring to the genus being similar to, though distinct from, Acanthicus. The specific epithet comes from local fishermen's common name for this particular species, the "assacupirarara:" Pirarara identifies the species' reddish fins (this can be the Brazilian common name the red tail catfish, Phractocephalus hemioliopterus); "Assacu" is a common name for the Amazon tree Hura crepitans, which has bark covered with conical spines.

Similar to L024 but with substantially more red colour in the fins and more distinct black spots. The eyes of L025 are distinct and provide the fish a hooded virtually ''evil'' look. Big, monstrously remarkable (16'' ), people are imported. Sexing: Mature males have considerably more odontodal growing on most fins rays but the pectorals are adorned. Females fill out fairly significantly with regards to the slim males.


Party favors prawns, cockle and mussel together with small parts of fish. Provide some vegetables for a balanced diet. When it gets used to the aquarium it will eat pellets, sticks, and tablet food. Fresh or frozen food is crucial to keep this fish happy.

Water Parameters

water as they produce a large amount of organic waste. The circulation of water is not as important, the fish will be rather happy using a flow that is somewhat low nonetheless take care to ensure there is plenty of oxygen. The water must be soft (preferably). Note that young fish are incredibly sensitive to nitrite and ammonia.


A possibly large pleco which will need solid decoration in the tank. Pretty will need cover to hide in and reclusive. This fish using its array of hooks and spines, could cause serious damage and, will fight for the territory.


The odontal growth about the initial pectoral ray of the men is considerably more compact than this of the females. As the fish grow the males become longer and more slender by comparison.

Suggested Tankmates

The temptation with big Loricariids that is tough would be to keep them with big, tough other fish like alternative brutish characters or Oscars. This actually works quite good with plecos that are predominantly vegetarian or most omnivorous. All sizes of barbs work astonishingly well.


There have been some references in aquaria, though not fully documented to reproduction. The fish is regarded as being a cave spawner.

Behavior in Captivity

L25s are fish that is introverted and shy and need darkness or low lighting and a cavern they can call their own. Despite their size (they're giants!) Yet, they are territorial and particularly competitive towards conspecifics. Should there be a challenge be prepared to see violent fights and intimidation before the hierarchy is established.

Due to their size as well as strength fights could have outcomes that are detrimental. Provide clearly separated spaces for those in the tank by minimising the requirement about them to search for food outside their space and ensure each stays there. Given time they will get used to each others existence and learn to live.

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The Best Algae Eating Fish Freshwater in Fish Tank: Scarlet Pleco
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