Sabtu, 28 Januari 2017

Bristlenose Plecos: The Best Algae Eaters for the Freshwater Aquarium

Bristlenose Plecos: The Best Algae Eaters for the Freshwater Aquarium – Bristlenose plecos are often called suckerfish, and also make a superb addition. They are arguably the best algae eaters available – both because of their hardy, simple to look after nature and the great deal of algae which they consume.

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Bristlenose Plecos: The Best Algae Eaters for the Freshwater Aquarium

It might be found in a variety of habitats, from shallow low oxygen floodplains, to the deep, dark waters of rivers. Ancistrus cirrhosus is the most common, although there are several species that is commercially available.

The bristlenose pleco, related species and Ancistrus temminckii, is a great fish to get. They come from South America. There are dozens of Ancistrus species. Like many plecos, they like to eat algae. I've read that some aquarists say that bristlenose plecos would be the best "cure" for algae issues. Bristlenose's grow to 4 to 8 inches determined by the species and only do a great job.

When compared with other plecos who grow to 1 to 2 feet, which is small! My common plecostomus is over a foot which is too large for most aquariums that are smaller. The bristlenose looks in general contour except for its bristles like most plecos. These fleshy appendages stick out around the lips and head of bristelnose plecos. The "bristles" or "brushes" grow as the fish grows. Males have a lot more adornments.


The Bushy nose pleco is an omnivore species, but the majority of its own diet should consist of vegetable matter. Blanched zucchini, spinach, lettuce, canned green beans, and cucumbers are wholly relished. Spirulina based, algae wafers pellets, and a superb basic diet is made up by flakes.


Bristlenose plecos are simple to breed and only typically really have to be supplied with a cave in – the remainder they do on their own, to spawn. Unless you've got an incredibly big tank, you should always try to have more females than males. The males are very territorial and certainly will immediately claim a cave for procreation purposes. Some other males will then fight the male for control of the cave and given the opportunity, will indulge in fast meal of caviar (they'll eat their male opponent eggs).

You first need to determine for those who have at least one female and male when preparing to breed bristlenose plecos. By just considering the “ bristles” on their heads it is possible to discover the gender of them. Males will most likely have bristles that are larger and they are going to extend to the center of its head. Females will simply have bristles around their mouth, plus they often be a good deal smaller in relation to the males.

When the man is performed, he await a female, and will settle in to his recently claimed cavern. Once a female comes by, she when suitably impressed, will determine to proceed into the cave and deposit her eggs and will scrutinize the cave.

Tank Mate Compatibility

Pleco fish is a Community fish.


Bristlenose plecos desire a tank that is spacious with strong filtration. The reasons for this are straightforward – space is needed by them, plus they have a tendency to be prolific poopers. Much of their life seems to consist of eating the food, searching for food, and after that hunting for more. Because of this, they're prodigious poop producers, and if the water isn’t well filtered, the water quality will quickly plummet.

Plecostomus or pleco?

You'll only ever infrequently hear “ plecos referred to as a plecostomus, in the event you happen to be new to the hobby. There's a simple basis for this – it’s considered bad luck to refer by their complete name. (I will update this page if I suffer any devastating pleco losses after daring to say plecostomus in this informative article.)

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Bristlenose Plecos: The Best Algae Eaters for the Freshwater Aquarium
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