Rabu, 08 Februari 2017

The Good Algae Eating Fish Freshwater Tanks: Longfinned Bristlenose Pleco

The Good Algae Eating Fish Freshwater Tanks: Longfinned Bristlenose Pleco – Ancistrus have always been popular aquarium fish, primarily for their world-famous name as winner algae eaters, and have been present in the aquarium hobby since at least the early 1900s. Of interest, Axelrod states that commercial reproduction of this fish attempted but was not able to raise the fry to a saleable size. 

Photo copyright from segrestfarms.com 

The Good Algae Eating Fish Freshwater Tanks: Longfinned Bristlenose Pleco

Franke's photos, in "Breeding Aquarium Fishes: Publication 6," show snapshots of that which we now call Ancistrus sp. 3 in the hobby. Franke failed to provide a specific identity for his fish nor state where they were imported from. Possibly of interest that is historical, Franke's post was also of feeding fresh vegetables to loricariids, the very first mention I could find.

Initially these little rascals came from the Amazon River basin. But the albinos probably came from an Asian fish farm. Come from an Iowa breeder.


Ancistrus have long been popular aquarium fish, mostly due to their world-renowned name as champion algae eaters, and have already been present in the aquarium hobby since at least the early 1900s.

Most of its diet should always consist of vegetable matter, although the Bushy nose pleco is an omnivore species. Spinach, canned green beans, lettuce, blanched zucchini, and cucumbers are all relished. Spirulina based, algae wafers pellets, and flakes compose an excellent staple diet.


Bristlenose plecos eat alga assiduously. The commoner plecos grow large, they turn into harmful behemoths. Bristlenosers remain small -- all is little –ed by way under six inches. The albinos stay under four inches. And their albino colour adds for their appeal.

Tank Mates

Bristlenose plecos blend well with all small and medium fishes except near relatives or their very own sort. Man bristlenosers like to argue lands over. Ensure you supply a lot more than one hiding place in case you have several. They get along fine in a typical community tank so long as they've a hiding place.


Can be set by longer bristles on mature males. Male become mature when they have reached about 7-8cm. Males grow faster, and are wider than females. To choose a pair as it really is likely the female and the greatest for the male, it's frequently better to select the smallest.


Ancistrus is not too hard to breed. In the wild, when the rainy seasons starts after the dry season, Bushy nose plecos tend to breed. You are able to consequently try and mimic the beginning of the rainy season in the aquarium and a dry season, if your Bushy nose plecos are hesitant to spawn.

Added Info

As with all type fish that is plecostomus, utilize a soft, fine mesh net to catch them. Sharp fins and their numerous spines will get stuck in an average net that is coarse. Bogwood or driftwood in the aquarium is a requirement in order for this particular species to keep healthy. Bushy Nose are for eating algae, just one of the best plecostomus species.

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The Good Algae Eating Fish Freshwater Tanks: Longfinned Bristlenose Pleco
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